Welcome to John Calvin for Today

THE PURPOSE OF THIS BLOG is to introduce today's reader to the writings of John Calvin. While most readers could never hope to read the thousands of pages he penned, Calvin's contribution to the Christian Faith is simply too profound to overlook. The posts you will read here (as if Calvin himself were posting them) are being carefully selected (by his modern-day "secretary") to provide you with simple yet weighty truths from this pivotal Reformer. Please check for new posts each Monday. It is hoped that these posts will be a blessing to many, and input is welcome. (Be sure to read "About John Calvin" for a brief bio.)

Monday, October 20, 2014

Living With Unanswered Prayer

At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to shew thee; for thou art greatly beloved: therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision. (Daniel 9:23)

We gather from the passage the impossibility of our vows and prayers acquiring favor for us before God, unless we are already embraced by his regards; for in no other way do we find God propitious, than when we flee by faith to his loving-kindness. Then, in reliance upon Christ as our Mediator and Advocate, we dare to approach him as sons to a parent. For these reasons our prayers are of no avail before God, unless they are in some degree founded in faith, which alone reconciles us to God, since we can never be pleasing to him without pardon and remission of sins.

We observe also, the sense in which the saints are said to please God by their sometimes failing to obtain their requests. For Daniel was subject to continual groaning for many years, and was afflicted by much grief; and yet he never perceived himself to have accomplished anything worthy of his labors. he might really conclude all his labor to be utterly lost, after praying so often and so perseveringly without effect. But the angel meets him finally and testifies to his acceptance with God, and enables him to acknowledge that he had not suffered any repulse, although he had failed to obtain the object of his earnest desires.

Hence, when we become anxious in our thoughts, and are induced to despair through the absence of all profit or fruit from our prayers, and through the want of an open and immediate answer, we must derive this instruction from the angel’s teaching, Daniel, who was most acceptable to God, was heard at length, without being permitted to see the object of his wishes with his bodily eyes. He died in exile, and never beheld the performance of the Prophet’s prophecies concerning the happy state of the Church. (Commentaries)

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