Welcome to John Calvin for Today

THE PURPOSE OF THIS BLOG is to introduce today's reader to the writings of John Calvin. While most readers could never hope to read the thousands of pages he penned, Calvin's contribution to the Christian Faith is simply too profound to overlook. The posts you will read here (as if Calvin himself were posting them) are being carefully selected (by his modern-day "secretary") to provide you with simple yet weighty truths from this pivotal Reformer. Please check for new posts each Monday. It is hoped that these posts will be a blessing to many, and input is welcome. (Be sure to read "About John Calvin" for a brief bio.)

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Sufficiency of Scripture (2)

The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: (Psalm 19:7a)

The first commendation of the law of God is, that it is perfect. By this word David means, that if a man is duly instructed in the law of God, he wants nothing which is requisite to perfect wisdom. In the writings of heathen authors there are no doubt to be found true and useful sentences scattered here and there; and it is also true, that God has put into the minds of men some knowledge of justice and uprightness; but in consequence of the corruption of our nature, the true light of truth is not to be found among men where revelation is not enjoyed, but only certain mutilated principles which are involved in much obscurity and doubt.

David, therefore, justly claims this praise for the law of God, that it contains in it perfect and absolute wisdom. As the conversion of the soul, of which he speaks immediately after, is doubtless to be understood of its restoration, I have felt no difficulty in so rendering it. There are some who reason with too much subtilty on this expression, by explaining it as referring to the repentance and regeneration of man. I admit that the soul cannot be restored by the law of God, without being at the same time renewed unto righteousness; but we must consider what is David’s proper meaning, which is this, that as the soul gives vigor and strength to the body, so the law in like manner is the life of the soul. In saying that the soul is restored, he has an allusion to the miserable state in which we are all born. There, no doubt, still survive in us some small remains of the first creation; but as no part of our constitution is free from defilement and impurity, the condition of the soul thus corrupted and depraved differs little from death, and tends altogether to death. It is, therefore, necessary that God should employ the law as a remedy for restoring us to purity; not that the letter of the law can do this of itself, as shall be afterwards shown more at length, but because God employs his word as an instrument for restoring our souls. (Commentaries)

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