The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the
simple. (Psalm 19:7b)
When the Psalmist declares, The testimony of Jehovah is
faithful [sure], it is a repetition of the preceding sentence, so
that the integrity or perfection of the law and the
faithfulness or truth of his testimony, signify the same thing;
namely, that when we give ourselves up to be guided and governed by the word of
God, we are in no danger of going astray, since this is the path by which he
securely guides his own people to salvation.
Instruction in wisdom [making wise] seems here
to be added as the commencement of the restoration of the soul. Understanding
is the most excellent endowment of the soul; and David teaches us that it is to
be derived from the law, for we are naturally destitute of it. By the word babes
[simple], he is not to be understood as meaning any particular class of
persons, as if others were sufficiently wise of themselves; but by it he
teaches us, in the first place, that none are endued with right understanding
until they have made progress in the study of the law. In the second place, he
shows by it what kind of scholars God requires, namely, those who are fools in
their own estimation, (1 Cor. 3:18) and who come down to the rank of children,
that the loftiness of their own understanding may not prevent them from giving
themselves up, with a spirit of entire docility, to the teaching of the word of
God. (Commentaries)