Who is wise, and he shall understand these things?
prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the LORD are right, and the
just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein. (Hosea 14:9)
The just find a plain and an even way in the word of the
Lord, and nothing stands in their path to obstruct their course, and by daily
advances they attain that to which the Lord calls them, even their celestial
The just shall thus walk in the Lord’s ways, because the
Lord will lead them, as it were, by his hand; faith will be to them for hundred
eyes, and also for wings: and hope, at the same time, sustains them; for they
are armed with promises and encouragements; they have also stimulants, whenever
the Lord earnestly exhorts them; they have, besides, in his threatenings, such
terrors as keep them awake. Thus then the faithful find in the word of the Lord
the best ways, and they follow them.
But what of the ungodly? They imagine all doubts, even the
least, to be mountains: for as soon as they meet with any thing intricate or
obscure, they are confounded, and says “I would gladly seek to know the Holy
Scriptures but I meet with so many difficulties.” Hence when a doubt is
suggested, they regard it as a mountain; nay, they purposely pretend doubts,
that they may have some excuse, when they wish to evade the truth, and turn
aside that they may not follow the Lord.
The ungodly, then, stumble in the ways of Jehovah. But this
ought to be read adversatively, “Though the ungodly stumble, yet the just shall
always walk in the ways of Jehovah;” which means, that there is no reason why
the ungodly should stop or retard us by their continual stumbling, and by
exclaiming that the word of God is full of what gives offence; for we shall
find in it an even way, only let us ascribe to God this glory, that he is just,
and that his ways are right. (Commentaries)